We want to make sure you get to our location without any problems, so we have listed detailed directions from most major cities within 100 miles of our Ocoee Rafting Center. We understand that many people rely on smartphones or GPS devices for directions, but we want to let you know that not all directions used from these sources are accurate in a rural area. With that in mind, we strongly recommend using our detailed directions or at least having them accessible for backup. Our physical address is 1548 Highway 68, Ducktown, Tennessee 37326 for those that want to try another source of directions. We look forward to seeing you soon at our Ocoee Rafting Center.
Atlanta, GA Birmingham, AL Blairsville, GA Blue Ridge, GA Chatsworth, GA Chattanooga, TN Cleveland, TN Ellijay, GA Knoxville, TN McCaysville, GA Murphy, NC Nashville, TN